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The legendary Calisthenics group, known as the Bar Brothers, created the Bar Brothers System. If you’ve taken your Callisthenics practice seriously, you’ve probably heard of the name before. Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of them; we’ll introduce you to them, and if you’re anything like us, you’ll enjoy them.
Their program, the Bar Brothers System, also known as just The System, is a quick fix for developing massive muscles and a physique fit for a god. You will transform mentally and physically into the best version of yourself. The Bar Brothers assure us they can accomplish that with an affordable program in 12 weeks. It’s time to see how far they can go and test their mettle in this Bar Brothers System Reviews

What Is Bar Brothers – The System?
Bar Brothers – The System is a revolutionary step-by-step training program that promises to change your body and mind in 12 weeks. The body-weight exercises and calisthenics used in the program are beneficial in rapidly increasing muscle mass and strength.
With more than 65,000 users worldwide, The System is also the official exercise program of the Bar Brothers movement. It was developed by two of the world’s most well-known and reputable street workout athletes, Lazar Novovic and Dusan Djolevic.
Together, they created a movement that increased public awareness of bar training and healthy living, and they have changed the lives of countless individuals worldwide through the use of calisthenics.
Why Calisthenics? Calisthenics for Long-term Health Benefits!
In addition to producing a noticeable physical transformation, the Bar Brothers program has long-term health advantages. Exercises involving calisthenics are proven to enhance bone and joint health, improve flexibility, improve cardiovascular health, and even help with weight management. Regular practice of these bodyweight exercises will help you develop a well-rounded, healthier body in addition to muscle growth.
The program also encourages a comprehensive fitness strategy that considers mental and physical components. By fortifying the bond between your body and mind, you’ll discover how to overcome obstacles and reach a more excellent state of physical and mental health.
Why is a calisthenics workout superior to other exercises for developing toned muscles, getting ripped, and building lean muscle? The following are the reasons you need to know if you are unable to solve this:
Natural Compound Movements
Many muscle groups are worked simultaneously by the intricate movements used in calisthenics. It enables you to exercise as your body is meant to, with quicker and more effective results than going to the gym.
No Gym Requirement
Using calisthenics at home can tone and increase your muscle mass more effectively without going to the gym or spending money on pricey equipment.
Does Not Stunt Your Growth
Teenagers and young adults are concerned that lifting weights will stunt their growth and can benefit most from calisthenics. We are still Old School about this, even though some may say it’s a myth. Anyone under the age of eighteen should not enter a weight room.
We won’t go into the scientific justification here because it is a significant topic. We’ll state this, though. This theory still needs to be refuted by research. Thus, until then, be cautious and avoid taking any chances with your height!
Stunted growth is undoubtedly not an issue when doing calisthenics. Because you’re only lifting your body weight when performing calisthenics, there’s no risk of overtaxing your body. This method is far safer and more balanced than traditional weight lifting. It also works in every part of your body.

About Lazar And Dusan
The innovators of the Bar Brothers System are Lazar Novovic and Dusan Djolevic.
The creators of this innovative training method, which uses little equipment, are professional coaches and athletes specializing in street workouts, freestyle, and calisthenics. In any park you choose, there will always be a pullup bar, and you can always drop to the floor when you want to push yourself.
The method Lazar and Dusan used to shape their bodies into sculpted, muscular bodies is the same as the Bar Brothers. Still, it’s structured and practical enough for anyone to use—even if they have no prior experience with calisthenics and don’t know where to begin.
Athletic physiques with exceptional body-weight-to-power ratios can be created through bodyweight training and calisthenics, enabling people to perform a variety of gravity-defying feats, such as gymnasts. But when you’re ready, you can use weighted calisthenics to intensify the resistance and challenge even more.
Why The Bar Brothers Program? Bar Brothers System Reviews
As with any other lover of Callisthenics, Bar Brothers drew our attention while we were examining the different programs that included these exercises. We looked for these programs because we wanted to find a method that works well for developing muscles and strength. We could have used power and muscle supplements, but we preferred something natural.
We were unprepared to use supplements because we hated chemicals and processed foods. Despite our overwhelming desire to have a visually appealing body form, our goal was natural. And we are letting go of our dreams because of the Bar Brothers program. Less than a week passes before we notice any changes to our bodies. And that’s despite the 12-week program.
Thus, this program is the solution if you’re sick and tired of being overweight or thin. It could make your body ripped and capable of producing lean muscle. Furthermore, it’s essential for developing your core strength.
We initially questioned how athletes and models create such striking physical forms. We attempted seat-ups, chin-ups, morning runs, and push-ups at home, but our bodies didn’t change. People eventually come dangerously close to giving up, too tired and frustrated with their routine workouts that never seem to yield the results they want.
However, that was before you happened to this program. Although initially dubious, we decided to give it a shot. This was our final attempt at improving our body form, and it worked. Within a week or so, our bodies started to change.
In other words, Bar Brothers won’t let you down if you’re sick of workouts and programs that don’t work for you and wear you out. We encourage you to try it, as many others have, and you’ll be astounded by its effectiveness.

Bar Brothers System PDF And Components
The Bar Brothers System has no monthly recurring fees, and you receive a private control panel to access the program on your PC, tablet, or phone. It’s a one-time payment program.
The program was created for those who cannot or do not want to pay for home equipment or gym memberships, much less monthly installments.
It is currently $47, but that could change in the future. Here is the official Bar Brothers website where you can view it.
After making a purchase, you receive your login information and are taken to a page with four options:
- The Bar Brothers System is the complete workout system with all the necessary materials for those just starting. The “Access Now” button is clicked.
After you’ve completed the primary system, which is already the best available, you can purchase the other three options only as upgrades if you so choose. You won’t even need the upgrades.
Just so you know, though, the upgrades are:
- The System Accelerator – The System Accelerator is the logical extension of the Primary System, dealing with increasingly complex exercises.
- The Freestyle Moves – If you have completed the system drills and developed a solid muscular base with robust tendons and ligaments, you can execute this extremely advanced freestyle blueprint, similar to a street workout.
- Bar Brothers Family – Regardless of strength or ability level, anyone who wants to join the Bar Brothers Family support group is welcome.
To sum up, you only have to click the “access now” system button. All of the training materials Lazar Novovic and Dusan Djolevic created are available to you there. What you did well in the presentation is as follows.
- An introduction in which the writer outlines the main points.
- What you need for the workouts and how to track your progress.
- Program explanation, including a calendar, exercise charts, and download links.
- Workout advice for adequately performing the exercises.
- The recommended daily intake of nutrients.
The Bar Brothers Workout Plan
The 12-week program is broken up into three 4-week segments, with a different colored exercise chart for each week.
A self-assessment test of your current strength abilities is held on the first day of the first week to ascertain where you should start when making progress in your routines. It also teaches you how to warm up correctly before a workout to avoid injuries.
Following the first assessment day, the remaining weeks are completed according to schedule. The daily structure of the program is employed.
- You watch a daily video showing you how to do a specific exercise; follow along and get started.
- There are 140 demonstration videos, each lasting between 50 and 2 minutes. They are concise and to the point.
- Details about various body types to evaluate your advantages or disadvantages.
- Nutritional information on what to eat, proteins, carbohydrates, and how to prepare shakes for pre-workouts.
- Details about common errors made when doing calisthenics.
- Cross-check your 12-week self-assessment results with the 1-week test results to see how much you’ve improved.
How Effective Is the 12-Week Program?
It is recommended that all program participants take pictures of themselves before and after to monitor their progress. Lazar, Dusan, and numerous group members have shared videos and before and after pictures on their Facebook and YouTube.
On social media, there are a ton of member and user testimonial videos that discuss how the program has benefited them. We watched a few of these videos and were astounded by the remarkable changes these guys had undergone.
While some may claim that images and videos are staged, it’s impossible to deny the veracity of these men’s appearances and how they perform these exercises. Look at the users’ progress on this program and make your judgment instead of taking our word for it.
Bar Brothers System Pros And Cons
- Well-structured and progressive plan for beginners to intermediates.
- Excellent video library featuring all the exercises.
- Based on progressive overload. You increase workout volume with time as you gain strength.
- You can build muscle and lose fat at the same time.
- Easy-to-follow, no-nonsense instructions.
- All equipment pieces are optional except for a bar.
- It makes your strength of character, too, not just your muscles.
- Friendly social community if you want to join.
- 60-day money-back guarantee.
- Working out 5 or 6 times per week, one hour per session, may be too much for some people with limited time.
- Basic nutrition information.
Bar Brothers The System Price
The System is currently offered for the very reasonable price of just $47. This one-time special discount could change to the regular $97.
For a single, affordable price, you can obtain lifetime access to some of Lazar and Dusan’s most advanced techniques, which have taken them years to perfect. It’s a great value at this price.
There is a 100% money-back guarantee on the program if you feel it isn’t working for you. Having this can be incredibly comforting.
Once you have the basic program, there are a few more that you can look into if you want to learn some more advanced techniques. Since there is little information about nutrition in the basic program, we strongly advise you to check out Bar Brothers Nutrition, a particular diet plan created just for that purpose.
Conclusion On the Bar Brothers System Program: Is it Worth It?
Anyone interested in joining the Bar Brothers movement or adopting the street workout lifestyle should read Bar Brothers – The System.
The progression-based lessons will be beneficial for total beginners. This program is for you if you wish to push the boundaries of your body and develop the confidence that comes with performing freestyle strength feats.
This program offers helpful tutorials if you genuinely don’t have time but would still like some appropriate guidance (and don’t get hurt).
Physical appearance is a “side-effect.” If you are serious about training, go for it. Two critical factors in achieving the desired results are time constraints and willingness to commit. Less than that is a time waster.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Bar Brothers System
Q. Does Bar Brothers system work?
The Bar Brothers System works wonders for quickly gaining muscle and burning excess fat. The drawback is that it requires a significant daily time commitment. The advancement is also challenging.
Q. How Is It Different From Other Calisthenics Programs?
The Bar Brothers System has a good design, but in addition to the schedule manual, it comes with 140 instructional videos. It’s designed to increase your strength gradually; for street workouts and freestyle, you can progress to more difficult Bar Brothers routines. If you’d like, you can also choose to participate in the worldwide community.
Q. Is It OK For Beginners?
Lazar and Dusan developed the Bar Brothers System with novices in mind, even those unfamiliar with the term “calisthenics.” Before beginning the program, it puts you through an initial assessment to find out where you stand regarding strength and fitness, and you go from there.
Q. Where can I download Bar Brothers System for free?
The Bar Brothers System is not a free program, and any website offering a free download is either lying to you or selling illegal copies, which are both terrible ideas.
Q. Where Can I Buy It?
You can only get Bar Brothers on the official website:
Q. What If It’s Not For Me?
Bar Brothers comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee.
Q. Who are the Bar Brothers?
Originally from Serbia, Lazar Novovic and Dusan Djolevic were the Bar Brothers. Ivan Markioli joined them afterwards. They own the Bar Brothers community, a Calisthenics organization devoted to developing workouts that quickly and effectively increase muscle mass and strength.
Q. Who Should Use This Program?
Thankfully, anyone can benefit greatly from this program. Consequently, it makes no difference if you have experience with it or are a novice—it will lead you flawlessly until you reach your objective. Therefore, in the exclusive Facebook community for members only, you will come across expert calisthenics trainees and novices.
Additionally, novices frequently benefit the most from this program and demonstrate excellent results. This program will teach you the typical mistakes most people make when training. It also gives you the ability to know how to avoid them and how to do things correctly. Furthermore, the tutorials are designed to be easily understood by all users.
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